The power of Metagenics
A global power
Metagenics, producer and distributor of high-grade micronutrition, is a globally active group with sites in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, France and Canada, and dealers in dozens of countries.
The intensive exchange between the sites makes Metagenics stronger. By sharing knowledge, scientific insights and experience from various markets, Metagenics secures a leading role in the sector of high-grade micronutrition.

Production and R&D in Belgium
Metagenics Europe services and coordinates the whole European market out of its head office in Ostend. This is also the location of the production company. More than 90% of the micronutrition for Europe is produced there. Production meets the strictest standards. This is proven by our Autocontrole, the ISO 9001 and FSSC 22000 certification. Metagenics employs more than 360 people in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Italy.
As well as a production and distribution line, Metagenics Europe also has its own research and development department and state-of-the-art laboratory. This vertical integration ensures maximum control of the whole quality process.
Micronutrition and science - the key to a healthier life
Metagenics wants to help people live healthier, happier lives. Success depends on various factors, such as lifestyle, nutrition and environment. Metagenics develops high-grade micronutrition underpinned by science to help people live healthier and happier lives. We always select the best ingredients in the correct doses, based on the latest scientific knowledge.
High-grade micronutrition
Micronutrition is so much more than a standard nutritional supplement. Micronutrition provides micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals but also flavonoids, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, amino acids, plant extracts and more, in a highly targeted way, alongside macronutrients (fat, carbohydrate, protein and fibre) to efficiently correct nutritional deficiencies or imbalances – personalised for the patient – with due consideration for maximum tolerance.

High Impact Commitment
Investments in scientific research and new technologies has resulted in product formulas being adapted to the body’s biochemical processes. Metagenics is committed to always using the best ingredients in the correct doses. The finished products exclusively contain nutrients that are absorbed well and tolerated to a very high degree by the body. Formulated, assessed and reformulated to guarantee the best possible product, made from the best possible ingredients, in the most effective portions. That is the only way we can gain and retain the trust of patients. We apply this “High Impact Commitment” to our whole product portfolio. As a result, most products are market leaders in their particular field.
Shoulder to shoulder with care providers
We always work closely with doctors, pharmacists and other health experts to ensure patients receive high-quality health advice.
The first choice of the prescriber
Metagenics is able to guarantee high-grade micronutrition, through its High Impact Engagement, always based on the latest scientific developments. As a consequence, we have earned the trust of doctors, pharmacists and patients. This has enabled us to become the most prescribed micronutrition company in Belgium1.
(1) Source: IQVIA – SellOut RX units – Not-Registered OTC (excl. medical devices) – MAT 11/21

Metagenics Academy
Metagenics - and the Metagenics Academy - have been working hard to improve and share knowledge of nutritional medicine for 30 years.
The Metagenics Academy does this in various ways:
- Organising symposia, trainings and seminars with renowned speakers and specialists,
- Developing e-courses to explain nutritional concepts in a short space of time,
- Publicising the results of (in-house and external) studies among health experts in publications.
For more information and the latest news, visit the website
Like more information? Contact us to schedule a personal appointment.
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