Global presence served from Ostend.
So much more than a standard nutritional supplement.
The best ingredients in the correct doses.
The most prescribed micronutrition company

Gut and Living bacteria

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31 results
  1. UltraFlora STIP

    UltraFlora STIPprod-unit__servings

    Source of inulin and FOS
  2. Bactiol junior chewable tablets

    Bactiol junior chewable tablets

    Source of L. acidophilus NCFM® and B. lactis Bi-07®

    Supports natural resistance in children

  3. Bactiol Junior capsules

    Bactiol Junior capsules

    Source of Lactoacillus acidophilus NCFM® and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07®. Supports the natural resistance of children.

  4. BactiDyn 10

    BactiDyn 10

    Source of Lactoacillus acidophilus NCFM® and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07®. Supports the natural resistance of children.

31 results